For those of you who managed to make it, I hope you enjoyed the excellent array of festive goodies and gorgeous gifts, I think it was probably the best fair yet, with lots of new stallholders and more stands then ever it was a shoppers delight!Buttercup & Roses only had a small stand this year (mainly due to my lack of organisation and leaving it to late to get a larger space) but we tried to make the most of what we had by arranging everything in the prettiest and most christmassy way we could.
The Friday evening was a great success for us, we made plenty of sales, in fact we sold out of many items within the first couple of hours, and Saturday brought a steady flow of customers all of whom were very complementary about our things, and promising to make a visit to the shop before Christmas.
Here is a piccy Clive took of the stand on the Saturday,
There were so many fabulous gifts to choose from, the selection was huge, from yummy jams and chutneys, cashmere scarves and handmade Christmas decorations you certainly couldn't leave this Christmas fair without an armful of carrier bags.
To give you a little taste of the some of the other stalls here are a few more pics...
Hand painted furniture and fabric hearts from
'The Clotted cream furniture company'
Beautiful Italian leather handbags and silk purses

Hand thrown terracotta pots being sold by the lovely Liz straw
Absolutely beautiful handmade Christmas decorations and gifts by the gorgeous and talented Lou and Karina (who also sell there goodies in my shop!)
And the prettiest hand crafted little treats by a local textile designer.
I'm sure that after looking at the photos your all going to be eager to visit the fair next year, it marks the beginning of the festive season for me so I'm really starting to feel christmassy, I'm going to visit Hestercombe gardens on Sunday where they are running there own Christmas fair, so I get my chance to be on the other side of the table!...
Love and Hugs
Jennifer x